Return to
High Country
- By
the River of No Return: Meditations
from the High Country
- by Don
Ian Smith
- In the rugged mountains that surround
his ranch in the wild Salmon River country of Idaho, Don Ian
Smith has found an approach to life unsullied by the pressures
of civilization that so often push one's thinking out of focus.
Here, he says, it is easy to know that God alone is great--that
the God who put the mountains on their foundations and the rivers
in their beds is also one who feeds his flock like a shepherd
and carries the young lamb in his arms.
- ISBN: 0932773060
- Wild
Rivers and Mountain Trails: Meditations
from the High Country
- by Don
Ian Smith
- Wild rivers, rugged mountain trails, tall
forests--these are the natural habitat of Don Ian Smith. Through
the years he has found joy and inspiration in the wilderness
settings of the mountain trails, and his Christian faith has
been strengthened and renewed. Through his closeness with nature
he has received a deeper understanding of God as Creator and
of the necessity for man to be an appreciative tenant of the
- ISBN: 0932773079
- Sagebrush
Seed: Meditations from
the High Country
- by Don
Ian Smith
- Sagebrush is not a spectacular plant,
like a great redwood tree or a flowering dogwood. But it is a
wonderful part of creation--it is living evidence that God never
gives up. The thirsty deer and the flowing stream, the strutting
meadowlark, the tenaciously alert sheep dogs, the perilously
poisonous cow parsnips and water hemlock, and the tiny dry sagebrush
seed--all are filled with great parables for our times.
- ISBN: 0932773087
- The
Open Gate: Meditations
from the High Country
- by Don
Ian Smith
- "I was pastor for many years in an
area where rancher members of my church lived on mountain roads
in open-range country. I remember one rather isolated ranch,
several miles up a creek, where there were eight gates on the
road. I well remember my sense of pleasure one day when driving
along behind the man who lived there; he opened all the gates
for me. And when we arrived at the ranch house the owner's son
came out and opened wide the gate for us. What a symbol of our
Christian hope: Gates--often heavy gates with which we struggle--are
opened wide for us by One who welcomes us to share His hospitality."
- ISBN: 0932773095
- Symon's
Daughter: A Memoir of
Elizabeth Symon Smith
- by Don
Ian Smith
- A Scottish orphan gets her teaching credential
and sails to America in 1905, settling in Utah and southern Idaho.
There she survives the hardships and poverty of the Great Depression,
raising six children, all to be leaders in their fields -- a
story that will inspire parents today. Edited by Naida West.
- ISBN: 0965348784; pub Oct. 2001 by Bridge House Books.
- "A wonderful book about a special
- Ranchland
- by Don
Ian Smith
- "I grew up on a farm in Idaho working
with horses and raising livestock. For many of the years that
I've been a Methodist minister I've continued to have some involvement
with livestock. When I was pastor of the Methodist church in
Salmon, Idaho, my wife Betty and our children lived on and operated
a small cattle ranch. These poems are thoughts that have come
to me as I've worked with my animals, cared for my land, and
reflected on my work as a pastor, who almost daily deals with
the joys and sorrows, the wonders and mysteries of life."
- ISBN: 0932773036
- High Country Books, PO Box 1643, Salmon, ID 83467
- Phone: (208) 756-2178 or (208) 756-6060 ~~~ Fax:
(208) 756-6065
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- Copyright © 2004, High Country Books. All rights